December 09, 2006

WSVG 2006 Finals.

It's over. Grats to the winner of Quake 4.

Day 1 Demos
Day 2 Demos

Final Standing
1: cup_gold Sweden Toxic - $20000
2: cup_silver United States of America Fatal1ty - $10000
3: cup_bronze United States of America Socrates - $5000
4: Russia Cooller
5/6: Italy Stermy , Sweden Ztrider
7/8: United States of America LoSt-CaUzE , United Kingdom 2GD

Also congratulations to the winners of Counter-strike at WSVG
1. ALTERNATE aTTaX - 50.000$ and 5 Rolex-watches
2. USA Team 3D - 25.000$
3. Sverige Fnatic - 10.000$
4. USA Pandemic
5-6. USA SK
5-6. USA Hacker Gaming
7-8. USA NiP
7-8. USA compLexity
9-10. USA
9-10. USA Pentagram

Can anyone inform about who won Warcraft 3 at the event?

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