UI Released. Version 0.1
Finally got down to making my UI for release. So here you go.
Link: Sacrife UI v0.1
14 Des. 2006 UPDATE: Addon update 0.2 (Some errors fixed)
*NOTICE* This is made for people with 1280x1024 resolutions. If you use other
resolutions you will have to edit some settings manually. (Skinner is the main gui mod)
Install steps:
1. Delete your wtf and interface folders in your wow folder first. (Take backups of them if
you dont like the ui) But remember to copy "Config.wtf" and "bindings-cache.wtf" because
they are your video settings and keybindings files. I added mine for it to go as smoothly as possible
but I have everything maxed. If you dont want my keybindings re-install your backed up bindings-cache
after everything is unzipped.
2. Extract the folders to your World of Warcraft folder. Nothing should be overwriten because everything should be deleted for a clean start.
3. Go into the wtf folder and rename the folders accordingly.
Rename this to the name you use to login to wow with. Type with BIG LETTERS.
b. WOW\WTF\ACCOUNT\LOGINNAME\Rename.to.your.server.name
Rename this the the name of the server your currently have your main character on.
Copy and rename to other servers if you have characters spread out on different servers.
c. WOW\WTF\ACCOUNT\LOGINNAME\SERVERNAME\Rename.to.your.character.name
Rename this to the character name your playing with.
If you have multiple characters (alts) just copy this folder and rename them to your alts.
4. Go into WOW\WTF\ACCOUNT\LOGINNAME\SavedVariables and open these files with your main text-editor.
Do search&replace for Kizzle and replace with your own character name
Do search&replace for Ravencrest and replace with your own server name
5. Thats it! Log into wow and everything should be in its place.
All the settings can be altered in any way you want by using deucecommander which is located
at the topright of your screen. Right click it and change anything u want.
If you have multiple characters use the profile options to have the settings different from
your main character.
Known bugs with wow (and this UI). You have to use /duel to challenge someone to a duel.
Slash commands:
/ebb (elk buff bar)
/tbopt (target buttons)
/slicer (slice and dice counter)
/sct menu (scrolling combat text)
/aguf config (AG Unitframes)
/ozraid (raidframes) (I currently only have party enabled. But feel free to change it to full raid)
Addons installed. (Delete if you dont want it)
Clearfont: Replaces the ingame fonts with a font which is alot better and easier to read.
Improved Error Frame: Reverts ui errors to a minimap icon instead.
Acceptance: Autoaccept guild invites.
AG Unitframes: UnitFrames
Antagonist: Enemy Cast Bars
Bartender: Action Buttons
BigWigs: A pack of bossmods and timers for raiding.
Capping: Timerbars for everything in wow battlegrounds
Chronometer: Timerbars for your personal buffs.
CooldownTimers: Cooldown timers for your own abilites.
cyCircled: Circled Textures for Bartender (Your action buttons)
DamageMeters: Damagemeters for you and your raid\group.
DeuceCommander: Main handler for all your mod's settings.
ElkBuffBar: Your easy on the eyes buff frame
EngBags: Bagmod. Automaticly sorts everything in your bag and makes it really easy to use.
Fubar: Infobar at the top of your screen (or bottom of u want) with lots of information for everything.
ItemRack: An addon which handles your item sets. You can set up different sets and change gear with simple clicks.
KillingBlow: Killing Blow announcer.
MyBindings2: Changes your keybindings window to something alot easier to use.
oCB: Casting Bar
oRA2: CTRaid replacement.
OzRaid: Raid, Maintanks, Party frames.
Poisonpouch: Right click to apply latest poison to your main hand and offhand weapon. Left click to choose poison.
Prat: Removes chatbuttons. Allows chatscrolling. Universal fontsize settings. And ALOT more.
RatingBuster: Translate hit\crit\defense\etc ratings to your percentage values.
Reslacker: Autoaccept resses. Can be configured to autoaccept ready checks (DANGEROUS!)
Roguespam: Hides pesky error msgs rogues get when spamming buttons.
SCT: Scrolling Combat Text
SCTD: Scrolling Combat Text Damage. (Shows your dmg in the middle of the screen rather than above the mobs)
Simple Combat Log: Betterlooking combatlog.
Simple Minimap: Removes zoombuttons (use scroll) Location and makes the minimap square.
Skinner: Reskins wow's mainwindows and much more. (Also used in my UI to create the bottom art)
Slicer: Timeraddon for your slice and dice ability as a rogue.
Target Buttons: Buttons below your friendlytarget frame with easy acces to duel, trade, follow, etc.
TipBuddy: Tooltip addon. Easier on the eyes.
WitchHunt: Spell Alert
Xloot: Dead sexy lootframes ;)
XRaidStatus: Raid status. Shows healermana, buff need list, Dead's and Offlines. And more.
1 comment:
More UI updates for the win :D
Great job!
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