Rogue tips and tricks.
>> Mage stun & gouge trick
Because of lag 2 abilities can proc at the same time. In other words, if you gouge a mage right after you stun him he will most likely end up in gouge after his blink. Giving you free time to catch up to him.
>> Caster opener trick
When duelling a caster, always start with a sap. The reason for doing this is because it allows you to open with a premed > garrote into rupture and vanish before any of the dot's tick and removes sap.
That gives you a free new opener and 3500+dmg.
>> Tauren stomp precaution
Whenever a druid runs up to you and stomps you, I can say with 99% safety that he is going to cyclone you directly after. So whenever you get stomped spam kick so that when stomp ends you can actually manage to kick his cyclone right before it hits you.
>> Getting out of combat midfight
Most rogues gouge with and without improved gouge to restealth. However, it takes 6 seconds for you to get out of combat, so for a more safe ooc method try to restealth with a 5point kidney instead. Unless you can use line of sight to become ooc.
>> Shadowstep > Intercept trick
If you cant avoid an intercept or want to bate it out. Try to predict when he's going to intercept and shadowstep at the same time. This results in both of you just swapping locations and you gain the advantage, maybe even a free restealth.
>> Hunter CloS trap trick
Most people know this, but I'll include it anyway.
If a hunter pops the single-ice-trap you can clos it to resist it so it despawns. This doesnt affect the ground ice-trap and the snake trap though.
>> Shadowstep stun trick
Very few know this, but vs rogues and warriors a kidney could be vital for the match. It's very annoying when they dodge or resist the kidney when you really need it, so what you can do is kidney right after you shadowstep. For some reason the kidney wont fail and always hits.
This even works through evasion.
>> Full lockdown on 1 person without pvp trinket
Sap > Sap > Premed > Cheapshot > Kidneyshot > Gouge > Blind > restealth > Sap > Prep > Sap > Premed > Cheapshot > Kidneyshot > restealth > Sap > Gouge > Kick > etc.
This avoids diminishing returns as much as possible. You can do this, or partly this to reset cooldowns on first-aid, CloS, Blind, Shadowstep. Etc.
>> Battlemaster trinket trick
Whenever you use the battlemaster trinket for a 1750 heal and have above the same amount, the health gained is lost when the timer runs out. However, if you use it below 1750health, for instance when Cheat Death procs the health is not lost when the timer runs out. Cheat Death should give you more than enough time to use it.
>> Blind into sap trick (DR Reset)
Blind/sheep/cyclone into sap is a common thing to do. But remember, it takes 6 seconds to get out of combat without you or the target doing ANYTHING. Even sprint/evasion/firstaid/etc restarts the combat timer and you have to wait 6 seconds again. (With firstaid the timer starts after the first tick) However, blind > vanish/restealth > sap is a really nice way to restart your stun DR's.
>> Sheep and sap
Be aware that sheep and sap/gouge share the same diminishing return. So if you play with a mage your cc on the same target is limited if you open with a sap.
>> Paladin anti BoP firstaid trick
Always have deadlypoison on when dueling a paladin. Most paladins bop to first-aid and save mana but with deadly poison ticking in, he cant really do that now can he? ;)
>> Distract vs drink
If you see a person drinking/eating and your to far away to stop him. Distract him. For some reason this makes him stand up.
>> SnD in arena
The first point of SnD is 9 seconds, the others gain 3 seconds. So energy effctive it's best to just use 1point snd's to burst down a target. For instance, Premed>Garrote/CS>Expose>(Relentless Strikes)/hemo>snd
>> Playing with a warrior
Against team with abolish poison use rank 1 crippling instead of rank 2. Rank 2 overrides hamstring so that when a target gets abolished, he gets away.
>> Stealth info
Nightseye trinket +5 stealth
Boots med stealth +5 stealth
Enchant cloak stealth +5 stealth
Catseye ultra goggles +18 detection
The night watchman +8 detection
Deathblow x11 goggles +5 detection
Hyper-vision goggles +30 detection on use, 15sec duration.
Perception +50 detection
Vanish +100 stealth
Paranoia +30 detection
Shadowmeld +5 stealth.
Mod +3 stealth pr level.
Heightened senses +3 per level.
>> Gems
Bright Living Ruby - 16ap
Wicked Noble Topaz - 8ap 4critrating
Bright Crimson Spinel - 20ap
?? - 10ap 5critrating
>> Tradeskills
I recommend jewelcrafting and enchanting as a rogue. The Panther's trinket and +4 stats on trinket + the 24ap and 12critrating gems really gives you that extra edge in arena.
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